Marketing Today With Alan Hart

329: The Sound of Brands with Amp’s Michele Arnese



Michele Arnese has always had a love for music, but it was only after spending ten years as a management consultant that he was able to found amp, a sonic branding agency, and his passion became his profession. As Global Founder and CEO, Michele expertly weaves sound into some of the most recognizable brands in the world, such as MasterCard and Mercedes-Benz.In this episode, Alan and Michele discuss what branding with sound really is, why it’s so important to the brand experience, and the use of data and insights into the world of sonic branding.In this episode, you'll learn:What sonic branding is and how it’s different from jinglesHow companies like MasterCard and Mercedes-Benz are using sonic brandingWhat amp’s copyrighted “Sonic DNA” is and how they created their custom sonic brand indexKey Highlights[02:23] Michele’s path to founding amp[05:10] What is Sonic Branding and why brands need sound[08:27] Why sound is resurging and the evolution of the jingle[10:42] What is the perfect example of sonic branding