The Art Of Paid Traffic | Proven Online Advertising Strategies You Can Implement Today

Don't Make THIS Same Business Mistake I Did



In this quick tip episode, I am sharing a huge missed opportunity that I experienced, and I am sharing it because I don’t want you to make the same mistake that I did. In my nine years of business, I wouldn’t say that I have many regrets, however, this is definitely something that I wish I had started sooner. My goal for you with this episode and my conversation with Pat Flynn is to get you to really consider adding YouTube to your existing business as an additional marketing channel. One of the best things we can do for our business is to diversify our traffic, and with YouTube, you don’t have to be extravagant to see results. The trick is to think about YouTube in terms of consistency. I don’t have subscriber goals with my channel, I have consistency goals. The idea is that you are planting seeds with your videos. The algorithm will eventually pick up one of your videos and push it out to new viewers which will grow your channel. You haven’t missed the boat with starting a YouTube channel. It’s still the nu