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3 "Creative" Funnels Working Right Now



I recently shared a behind-the-scenes look at what happened at our Accelerator retreat. We all went around and shared what was working in our businesses right now and to tell you the truth, nothing was revolutionary.It was all of the fundamental business methods that we have heard time and time again. It goes to show that what’s old really is new. When you stick to it, refine as you go, and do what feels good for you and aligns with the audience that you want to help, that's when things really click.In this episode of Art of Online Business, I’m sharing three small case study examples of “creative” funnels that a few of my Accelerator members are doing right now that are working really well. None of these methods are revolutionary or new. It’s all about staying consistent and doing what aligns with you and how you want to serve your clients.In this episode, you’ll learn:How one member uses weekly live webinarsHow another member uses monthly paid live workshopsHow a different member offers different membe