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How the "5 Ps of Alignment" Affect the Success of Your Business, with Annemie Tonken



The word alignment gets thrown around a lot and it can have a lot of different meanings. It’s really near and dear to me personally because I’m always striving to do things that are in alignment with what I deem important, especially my values. Today on Art of Online Business, I sat down with Annemie Tonken, a former Accelerator member in the photography space, to talk about what she calls the 5 Ps of alignment and how they can affect the success of your business. Annemie has been a professional photographer since 2010 and is now a respected educator, speaker, and podcaster focusing on business systems and strategies that help creative entrepreneurs run profitable, sustainable businesses they love.She's the host of This Can't Be That Hard, a top-rated weekly business podcast for photographers, creator of the Simple Sales System, which is used by thousands of photographers worldwide to create in-person sales-level income and service in an automated, workflow-friendly way, and co-founder of The Family