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How She Runs a Wedding Membership With Just 3% Churn, with Faye Cornhill



When I see people that are doing extraordinary things in their business, whether it’s a membership, coaching program, or course, I want to bring them to you. This is so that we can unpack what they are doing that’s working so you can take some tips and apply them to your business. In this episode of Art of Online Business I sat down with Faye Cornhill, one of my Accelerator coaching members, who runs a very successful wedding membership business. She’s here to share why her membership works and what sets her business apart from other wedding-based memberships out there. Faye Cornhill is a business coach to the wedding industry. With her signature mix of positivity, motivation and common sense, she specialises in helping aspirational business owners follow their dreams of making it in the world of weddings.Faye has an incredible retention rate and she shares how she makes that happen in this episode. She also shares more about her launch methods and how much she works in her business. In this episode, you’ll l