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KPIs for Your Support Team: Measuring the "Unmeasurable" | w/ Erika Macauley



One of the biggest shifts I made in my business as a leader and CEO is when I went from being a task assigner to assigning ownership of results. This was a huge “a-ha” moment for me. You can’t grow your business if all you’re doing is assigning tasks. You have to be able to assign ownership to specific people on your team. With that, you’re going to want to have specific KPIs or success metrics that you’re watching. Sometimes they’re easy to determine, but there are some positions on our team that aren’t as easily attributable to revenue or profit. So today on Art of Online Business, I sat down with Erica Macauley to talk about how we can determine success metrics for those support roles in your business. This is critical if you want to shift from a day-to-day entrepreneur to the leader and CEO of your business. Erika is a systems slayer, chaos coordinator, Trello evangelist, and pretty dang good at whipping the back end of businesses into shape. She’s an OBM, integrator, and project manager who works with 6