

Happy New Year! In this episode of Art of Online Business, I am sharing my exact business plan for 2023. If you tuned in to the last episodes, you know I shared my biggest lessons and takeaways from 2022. So that provides a lot of context for why I set up my business plan for this year the way that I did. The problem was that I didn’t focus enough on the basics of my business in 2022. I didn’t give marketing the attention that I should have. I also didn’t focus on list building, getting on other podcasts, email marketing, or social media like I feel I should have. So today, I’m sharing the things that I plan to do in 2023 to get back to the basics as well as some other things I will be doing to add more simplicity to my business. In this episode, you’ll learn:My plans for the Accelerator programHow I’m making revenue share partnerships a bigger part of my businessHow I’m using my podcast for marketingHow I plan to improve on my email list building and email marketingWhy I plan to show up more on social media