Watch This With Rick Ramos

#441 - Enter the Void - WatchThis W/RickRamos



Tokyo Book of the Dead: Gaspar Noé's Enter the Void  This week Mr. Chavez and I examine the work of a controversial and polarizing director, Gaspar Noé. Noé made headlines in the early 2000s with Irreversible, a film that continues to upset audiences and challenges filmmaking conventions. With Enter the Void (2009), Noé doubled down and created a film that divided critics calling it both "captivating and innovative" and "tedious and puerile." The argument continues on this week's episode. Watch the film, listen, and agree or disagree. We'd love to hear from you at  If you've listened to us over the years, or if you're new to the podcast, and you'd like to support us you can click on the link below and donate to this long-running labor of love. Simply click on the link below and go to the Buy Me a Coffee website. Anything and Everything is Appreciated.