Podcasting Step By Step

How to Manage Your Mind



Most of our suffering comes from thoughts that we let run wild in our brains. We spend a lot of time each day rehashing different conversations and situations in our mind, and we think that we’re just reviewing facts. But we’re not. We’re reflecting on our own points of view, assuming what others think, worrying about the future, and ruminating about the past.The ancient Stoics understood that our thoughts are nothing more than stories we tell ourselves. And modern mental health professionals agree with them that we should challenge the thoughts that pop into our heads and not automatically accept them as reality. You might be thinking, “That’s impossible. I have a million thoughts running through my mind. It’s not in my control. I’m anxious. I’m overwhelmed.”In today’s episode, I’ll coach you on how to use a thought record to manage your mind so you can live a more resilient, calm, joyful, and compassionate life. I can’t overstate how essential this work is to your wellbeing. If you’re feeling stressed, over