Barbell Shrugged - Talking Training W/ Crossfit Games Athletes, Strength Coaches & More

[Liver] A Deep Dive into Health, Biomarkers, and Optimization w/ Anders Varner, Doug Larson, and Dan Garner #699



In today's episode of Barbell Shrugged the team digs into liver health, biomarkers, and optimization. The liver is a remarkable organ that performs numerous essential functions necessary for our overall well-being. Maintaining a healthy liver is vital, and understanding the role of biomarkers and optimization can help us achieve that goal. Our lifestyle choices significantly impact liver health. Unhealthy habits such as a processed food-heavy diet, excessive alcohol consumption, sedentary behavior, and chronic stress can damage the liver. On the other hand, adopting a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and moderate alcohol consumption promotes optimal liver function. Biomarkers play a crucial role in assessing liver health. These measurable indicators, including liver enzymes like ALT and AST, bilirubin levels, and imaging techniques like ultrasound and MRI, provide valuable insights into liver function and overall health. By monitoring these biomarkers, healthcare pr