What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#350 Dr. Kelly Starrett- Rebuilding Our Approach to Health, Fitness & Wellness!



Watch & see Full Show Notes HERE Today on the podcast I’m featuring mobility and wellness expert Kelly Starrett! After decades spent working with pro-athletes, Olympians, and Navy SEALs, mobility pioneer Kelly Starrett began thinking about the physical well-being for everyone else and looking into questions like.  What makes a durable human? How do we continue to feel great and function well as we age? How do we counteract the effects of technology-dependence, sedentary living, and other modern ways of life on our body’s natural need for activity? The answers to those questions we explore in the podcast! Our conversation will explore: Easy mobilization practices to increase range of motion and avoid injury Intuitive ways to integrate more movement into your daily life and escape sedentary habits No-fuss guidelines for improving nutrition and sleep Basic breathing practices to manage stress and pain Quick and simple assessments to gauge progress and what needs improvement Checkout Kelly's new book, Bu