Kobo Writing Life Podcast

#7 - Writing Steampunk Romance with Jacqueline Garlick



  Kobo Writing Life Director Mark Lefebvre interviews Jacqueline Garlick, author of Lumière: A Fantasy Steampunk Romance Adventure (http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/lumiere-1). Mark and Jackie discuss: Jacqueline’s background in writing and experience working with SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators - http://www.scbwi.org/ ) under the mentorship of Ellen Hopkins (http://ellenhopkins.com/) How Ellen Hopkins helped promote and nurture a beginning writer, helping them to believe that they could do it The Niagara Retreat and Conference event (http://niagararetreatandconference.com/) that Jacqueline is a driving force behind The self-publishing approach that Jacqueline’s agent suggested and supports Taking the long-term approach as a writer, in both the indie and traditional publishing spaces, determining where a project best fits in an industry that is in flux How the X-Ray machine used to be seen as a cure for everything Themes in the novel, such as:  Science created for good bein