Kobo Writing Life Podcast

#50 - All-Star Indie Author Interviews Live in London



For our 50th episode, we're featuring over a dozen all-star indie authors offering an amazing wealth of information about publishing and writing. Tune in to hear from HM Ward, Diane Capri, Melody Anne, and more! You'll learn: How this multi-author signing event came together What Diane Capri has learned while serving on the board of the International Thriller Writers Ruth Cardello's tips for becoming a successful author How Melody Anne got started as an author, and why she loves this job. "If somebody ticks me off I get to kill them in my series! So my life is awesome." Raine Miller's tips for translating your novels Why Michelle A. Valentine works with a literary agent How HM Ward manages to write over books per month. “I always have multiple books in the pipeline at a time. So I’ll come up with an idea and I’ll start a book, and then when I’m not really feeling it anymore I put it down and then I pick up something else.” Why CC MacKenzie joined the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) Steena Holmes descr