Tough Talk Radio Network

Tough Talk Christian Radio - His Glory



Nathaniel Arnold is an author, entrepreneur, and respected church elder. He is the author of five fiction and nonfiction books and owner of His Glory Publishing. Nathaniel was led back to the Christian church while watching the battle of good and evil play out in his own life. His lifelong devotion to God provided the trust he needed to push through and publish his testimony. Nathaniel has over 35 years of experience in the real estate industry, both as a broker and certified residential appraiser. He has written two novels and two books on real estate investing and wealth development. His fiction novel, The Genocide Files, was considered for film adaptation.  Growing up in a racially conflicted period of the segregated south, Nathaniel migrated to the Washington, DC, area from Mobile, Alabama, as a pre-teen. He graduated from Columbia Union College with a BA in Psychology and built his career in real estate.  Arnold has lived a full life of victories and setbacks, including two cancer diagnoses. A devoted