Attention Talk Radio

Married to An ADHD Spouse: A Survival Guide



Being married to an ADD spouse is different and far from mainstream. You may have too many expectations about the relationship, and some of the issues may be expectations of traditional things in general. With ADHD, it’s a whole paradigm shift in how you think of your relationship. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a survival guide? That’s why we are re-releasing our interview with a guy who shares his thoughts and lived experience of being “Married to an ADHD Spouse.” This is his survival guide. Please join us for the tips and techniques he has used to make his marriage thrive. Attention Talk Radio is the leading site for self-help Internet radio shows focusing on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and attention deficit disorder, including managing symptoms of ADHD in adults with ADD or adults who have children with ADHD. Attention Talk Radio, hosted by Jeff Copper, attention and ADHD coach, is designed to help adults (particularly those diagnosed with or impacted by attention deficit disorder or its sympto