Pursue Your Spark

#189 Pilates Crosses All Boundaries/ft. Shari Berkowitz



Pilates is always a hot topic in the health and wellness world. It has a rich history, and the variations of this exercise method are as diverse as the people who practice them. But at the heart of Pilates lies a set of fundamental principles that guide every movement: centering, concentration, control, precision, breath, and flow. It was my pleasure to invite Pilates coach Shari Berkowitz to the show this week to help us understand our bodies' biomechanics and completely transform our outdated thoughts on the aging body.  Shari Berkowitz is a Pilates teacher of teachers and scientist with over 30 years of experience specializing in Pilates biomechanics and ergonomics. She is the CEO of the Vertical Workshop, a Pilates teacher training program, and her unique way of teaching Pilates crosses all boundaries by combining science and movement. From her own personal injury that she sustained in her 20s, leading to partial paralysis, Shari shares her experience with Pilates and how it improved her balance, posture,