Archdiocese Of St. Louis

Jesse Tree: Day 26 - Fr. Tom Keller



Today, our meditation on the Jesse Tree for December 22 is St. Joseph. His symbol on the Jesse Tree is a “Hammer.” Let’s take a few moments to reflect on St. Joseph. We know he was a carpenter. That’s why his symbol is the hammer. Sometimes he’s known as “Joseph the Worker.” Joseph has been held up by the Church as an example of the virtue of good old-fashioned hard work. When you work for something, it’s important to you. Every work begins with a plan, then the gathering of materials – depending on the project they may be a significant expense. The time and effort to create something is valuable too. Any real work is the product of hope and the investment of effort. Our relationships, career, our home, our family; all are things we work hard for. What happens when they don’t turn out the way we hoped? St. Joseph appears in the Gospel as a carpenter who is ready to start a family with a young virgin named Mary. But from Joseph’s perspective everything was falling apart. Mary was with-ch