Archdiocese Of St. Louis

Jesse Tree: Day 28 - Nicole Heerlein



Well, here we are! Our Advent journey has transitioned to the Christmas season. Tomorrow, we celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Savior, the Messiah. Today’s Jesse Tree symbol is the "Chi Rho" which is an ancient symbol combining the first two Greek letters of the word "Christ," which means "anointed one." Christmas itself combines many wonderful aspects of God’s Love: peace, joy, giving, as well as the birthday of His Son. The Liturgical year begins at Advent, and birthdays are a new beginning and great reminder of God’s love for us and our life-long journey with Christ. To celebrate the birth of our Savior, we hope you'll consider joining us at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis for Midnight Mass tonight, or one of three Masses on Christmas Day. In my family, we have an additional reason to celebrate and commemorate Christmas. Some years ago, when I was almost 4 years of age, my sister was born on Christmas Eve. I vividly remember different points from that Christmas-talking with my Mom over the phone