Archdiocese Of St. Louis

Catholic Gateway Podcast -- Episode 15: Pilgrimage of Trust Coming to St. Louis



On this episode of the Catholic Gateway Podcast, you’ll learn about the Taize Community of Taize, France. During Memorial Day weekend 2017, May 26-29, the brothers of Taize, in conjunction with the Archdiocese of St. Louis and many other religious denominations and organizations in the St. Louis region, will host a “Pilgrimage of Trust” with the purpose of bringing together people of various backgrounds to help heal many of the obvious divisions that exist across our St. Louis community. This episode features Br. Emile, who is one of the main organizers of the Pilgrimage of Trust St. Louis. Br. Emile shared some history of the Taize community, the purpose of the St. Louis Pilgrimage of Trust, and ways you can be involved. Leading up to the Memorial Day weekend events, many churches in the St. Louis area are holding prayer services and candid conversations on important topics. Visit for more information about Taize, upcoming events, and to register for the Pilgrimage of Trust