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Episode 369: Google Ads is Ending One of Their Best Features and Why It’s Not Entirely Bad News



When Google makes another big change, it’s human nature for marketers and ad agencies to panic, but it’s actually going to be okay. In today’s episode, host Kasim Aslam sits down with his business partner and unchallenged Google Expert of the Universe, John Moran, to talk about the future of Google Ads. And what exactly is the future of Google Ads? Performance Max. How do we know this? Well, partially, because last summer, Google decided it was so. Performance Max is one campaign that uses all 6 channels of Google: Search, YouTube, Shopping, GSP, Discovery, and Display. John has 25 Performance Max ad campaigns running right now, and honestly? He seems to know more about them than Google does. And he shares his brilliant insights with the rest of us. Listen in to see how John finishes this sentence. “Performance Max is the future. However…” IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN:What dictates which of your campaign ads are shown on which networks How to run high-bar supplementary campaignsP