The Rich Roll Podcast

Julie Piatt: Know Thyself



As a reminder that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, it’s time to reconnect with matters ethereal and divine. Enter Julie Piatt, prophetess of all things metaphysical, returning for another swim in the holy tides of matters otherworldly. Longtime listeners are well acquainted with the one who goes by SriMati—my in-house spiritual guru and better half. A human who is very good at many things, Julie is an accomplished yogi, healer, musician, chef, and mom to our four children. She’s also the bestselling author of three vegan cookbooks. She hosts the For The Life of Me podcast. She lords over Water Tiger, her online spiritual community. And she’s the CEO and ‘Mother Arc’ of SriMu, the best plant-based cheese in the known universe. Over the years, Julie has been a recurring source of spiritual wisdom on the podcast, dropping many a pearl on everything from parenting and creativity, to navigating conflict, managing relationships, dealing with financial hardship, and many other subjects. Today’s mi