Australian True Crime

Noona Went to Jail



Show Notes Ep 229 of Australian True Crime with Meshel Laurie and Emily WebbWell I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, some of the best people I’ve ever met have been to prison. Here’s another one. Catherine from Horsham went to jail, and she’s thoroughly lovely, in fact, I bet you can totally relate to her. I'm a bit delirious with our endless lockdown I have to admit. I don't think I'm ever going to be released from my home or ever hug another adult again. I'd probably love this if it was a book but this as a life sucks a big bag of dicks. It was very nice to zoom with Catherine. Our poor guests. Do you think they realise how desperate I am for their company? Anyway. All my love to you. I'll go and have another conversation with my dog now. Thank you so much for listening.Mx Buy CSI Told You Lies by Meshel Laurie hereIn PaperbackAs an ebookAs an audiobook read by Meshel You can support us with a one-off contribution here.You can become a patron here.You can subscribe to Ca