Crafting A Meaningful Life With Mary Crafts-homer

The Search For Divine Love with LaVonne Wells



Mary has an in-depth conversation with someone who is truly an inspiration. Despite experiencing the heart-wrenching loss of her own daughter, Kiva, LaVonne Wells has dedicated her life to helping others who are going through the same pain. Her work as a spiritual teacher and love activist is nothing short of amazing, and her ability to connect with people while providing compassionate support is truly a gift. Through her retreats, workshops, and private/group sessions, LaVonne provides a safe space for mothers to process their grief and find peace.  Learn More About LaVonne: About LaVonne LaVonne has made it her life's work to create systems of joy in this lifetime. Her motivation as a Spiritual Teacher emerged when her daughter Kiva passed/transitioned. The experience inspired her to assist other grieving mothers through peaceful connections and insights.  LaVonne earned a bachelor's degree in speech communication from the University of Utah and an associate's degree in science