Pursue Your Spark

#187 How to Tap into Your Intuition and Find Your Voice/ft. Dr. Melissa Bird



Intuition. That feeling where you “just know,” but how? What is the nature of this sixth sense, and how do we foster it? I was happy to invite Dr. Melissa Bird to this week’s podcast to answer our questions about intuition and how we can tap into this powerful force within us. Dr. Melissa Bird, Ph.D., MSW, is a passionate feminist whose education in social work has led to a career advocating for children, women, and their families. One of Melissa's key focus areas is helping women overcome their fears around speaking their minds and pursuing their dreams. She encourages women to listen to their intuition and tap into their inner wisdom to find their voice and purpose in life.  So, how do we tap into our intuition? Dr. Bird describes intuition as a muscle, the more we listen to it, the more we use it, and the stronger it becomes. She also reminds us to combat our perfectionism actively, to stop striving for perfection and instead strives for “humanism.” In doing so, we enhance our ability to tap into our intui