The Dating Den

Subtle Red Flags You Should Look For When He is Good on Paper with Chris Gillis



Marni and Chris look at the budding and failing relationships in reality series, Love is Blind, to glean the lessons that can be taken and applied when dating IRL. Looking at the different archetypes that the contestants represent, the duo dissect the situations on the series to answer questions we’ve all had when out in the jungle that is the dating world. The behavioral patterns we all exhibit, at one point or another, are mimicked in the actions of these contestants as they navigate their interpersonal relationships. From the girl who keeps falling for the same toxic guy, to the guy who stays and never gives up, to the girl who lets her mean- girl friends dictate the qualifications of her boyfriend. It’s a trap we’ve all fallen into, and sometimes still do.    Takeaways from this episode:  - Don’t be an enabler  - How sweet is too sweet?   - Don’t mistake the storytelling for a connection  - What’s trauma bonding?  - He’s a good communicator   - Vulnerability has several stages   Getting Real is Scary [07: