Two Wit Podcast

Ep 2 - #FOMO4Dayz Gillian Madill



#ImSoExcited #FOMO4Dayz #GirlGang We chat about tackling Agenda Builder, how awesome #DLRS is for Admins, some of our favorite trips and why cruising rocks. We also have our first ever guest (!) Gillian Madill on to talk about her path from a BA in Bioethics to an Admin Evangelist with skills in Confetti Cannonry and her journey getting Certified as an Admin. It’s great to hear her story about becoming a Co-Host for the ButtonClickAdmin Podcast as we are just starting out, and of course we nerd out about our favorite podcasts. We chat BikeShare, Buses App, and our thoughts on Dreamfest. Kristi & Melinda round it out chatting about the #WITPhotoHunt - tip of the hat to the Good Day Sir podcast for influencing this weeks signoff. Links for your enjoyment: Kristi is speaking Tuesday (Sales Demo Jam Co-Host - and Wednesday (AppExchange for Experts -