Two Wit Podcast

Ep 6 - #ChampagneIsDelicious



#IfYouShineThenIShine, #IBequeathToYouMyHoodies #SwagIHave #ChampagneIsDelicious First cars, how responsible we were as teenagers, how bad we are at topic segues, Shine Theory and how we compete unnecessarily, unexpected Opportunities through the community, how we attempt to balance Salesforce and other #adulting (with saying YES YES YES when maybe you should say no) and keep all the plates spinning, why we hate snail mail, Melinda gets Life Insurance & more on credit #adulting, a Thanksgiving recap with #realtalk about TV in the bedroom, plus Super Favs including managing our financial life & crafting finished off with our plea for reviews & sharing.   Links: Article - Science Reveals the Differences Between What Men and Women Do Best in Business Partner Power Hour - general sign up - ht