Two Wit Podcast

Ep 7 - #CBO #KingOfEverything Rachel Rogers



#TreatYoSelf #CBO #KingOfEverything #MyGumdropsAreBetterThanYours #CrazyIdea We kick it off chatting about the holiday season & shopping from the couch, drinking responsibly with water (not that we do), Christmas traditions or lack thereof, and a nice Easter Egg to hidden to see if our husbands are listening (#spoileralert: they’re not). Welcome Rachel! We chat about her super long title, the origins of Drunken Christmas (shoutout to Krystal Carter for her Reindeer Games spaghetti & gumdrops victory!), we halfway commit to recording live from Houston next year, hear about Rachel’s adventures through 3 colleges in 3.5 years including the luckiest Google search of her life and a Spring Break in Amsterdam, after which she moved on to tackle everything from sea to space and working with really geeky geeks to a stint in the Waste Management industry. She had a lot of hard-ass bosses but now she has a theme song and she sounds like a manager you should want to have even if she keeps you a bit uncomfortable.