Two Wit Podcast

Ep 15 - #TechnologyTranslator Missy Longshore



#ANormalHumanPace #IAintGotTimeForThat #StressEatingIsDelicious #NoJudgementZone #LongTimeListenerFirstTimeCaller #WeCouldBeAThruple #OneWomanShow #ConstantlyLearning #HopesAndDreams #TwoLIT A little getting to know you over stress relief and our coping mechanisms (or lack thereof). Then we dive into it with Missy Longshore, who started her Salesforce career by actively not wanting to use it (#spoileralert she then fell in love with it). Find out which host Missy would likely be married to if we were in an NPSP Household together plus other great thoughts about needs of Nonprofits and their “carrots vs. sticks” around Lightning. She loves working for herself (although it can be stressful) and shares about all the different ways she both learns from & gives back to the greater Salesforce community - even as an introvert. Will she win the prize for the biggest Salesforce screwup? It’s probably the only one which will involve the USPS and/or Pony Express. Links - Missy on Twitter @MissyLongshore #AdminHour -