Yusuf Circle Sheffield

Ramadan 2023 - Verse 15-16 Surah Maidah, The Table Spread - Session 16



Surah Maidah, The Table Spread verses 15-16 Session 16 These verses were revealed as The Bani Israel asked The Messenger ﷺ about stoning for adulterers, the Chief, ibn Sooriah states the truth. The supplication of Ibrahim (as), Surah 2 v129, The Glad tidings from Isa (as), Surah 61 v6, The light from The Mother of The Messenger ﷺ (Ahmed). The light refers to The Quran & The Messenger ﷺ (ibn Kathir). 'The Quran The Noor ul Mobeen Wa Dhikira Hakeem Wa Siratul Mustaqeem ' (Bayhaqi).