Superwomen With Rebecca Minkoff

You Don’t Get What You Don’t Ask For: Leigh Gallagher of Google and Fortune



Leigh Gallagher’s mom always told her, “Do what you love and the money will follow.” Journalism may not always be the most lucrative career, but Leigh has proven her mother right. This powerhouse of a writer not only made a name for herself in journalism, she was crowned Senior Editor at Large at Fortune Magazine – not an easy feat in the male-dominated business world. Now Director of External Affairs at Google, Leigh is still going strong. She’s an advocate for women everywhere, and she’s taking her own advice: putting herself forward, asking lots of questions, and most importantly, asking for what she wants. Thanks for listening! We love our listeners! Drop us a line or give us guest suggestions here, or visit on your desktop or phone to leave us a voice memo! Follow Superwomen on Instagram. Big Ideas Reasons why there is such a drastic gap in numbers of male and female leadership, and what we can do to help close that. [04:37] Ways to overcome writer’s block. [17:20