Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

On This Rock | 2 Peter 1 | Part 6 | Fruitful Faith | Michelle Snook



Fruitful Faith On This Rock: The Unshakeable Hope of 1 & 2 Peter March 19, 2023 This week, as we continue in our series, On This Rock: The Unshakeable Hope of 1 & 2 Peter, we begin unpacking Peter’s second letter. Peter is writing what he believes will be his final words to the churches scattered throughout Asia Minor. He’s living in Rome, during the reign of Nero, who was persecuting the followers of The Way. When we were in Rome a few years ago, we visited the Coliseum, one of the places where Christians were tortured and killed for sport. Peter knows that it won’t be long before Roman soldiers come for him as well. And he has an urgent, final message to share. Peter is writing to people like you and I who are facing difficult circumstances, to give them clear instruction on how to keep from feeling useless or unfruitful. He wants them (and us) to know how to make the most of what God has given us, so that we can avoid looking back on our lives with regret. What has God given you? How are you growi