Jim Parsons' Podcast

Episode 177: Lazarus, Come Out - John 11:32-44



As we start the last few steps of our Lenten Journey, we experience the 7th miracle in the Gospel of John, Lazarus being raised from the dead. What does this mean for us disciples? What kind of assurance does this story give us about our faith and the eternal life promised through the 8th miracle, which will come shortly? Please join us at 10:00am in person (1630 Statesville Blvd in Salisbury, NC) or online at the link below. Thank you again for worshipping with us. For more information about our congregation, please visit our website at milfordhillsumc.org. If you would like to support Milford Hills UMC in our mission to Love, Serve, and Live as Christ, please feel free to go to milfordhillsumc.org/give and support our congregation through or Tithe.ly app.