
Episode 484: Alzo Slade



“Human beings, we are the same, right? Like when you come out of the womb, you need to eat, you need to sleep, you need to pee, you need to shit, and when it comes to emotional needs, you need to feel loved. You need to feel there's compassion, you know? You need to feel significant and of value. And when it comes to like the feeling of significance and feeling valued, I think that's where we start to get into trouble because the same things that you hold of value, I may not in the same way. […] And so if I can engage you and recognize the perspective from which you come, and at least give you an entry level or a human level of respect from the beginning, then the departure point for our engagement is a proper one, as opposed to an antagonistic one.” @alzoslade VICE on Showtime Cheat on Apple Podcasts 15:00 "Moment of Truth: The Day Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Told Her Story About Brett Kavanaugh" (VICE News • Oct 2018 2019) 20:00 "Season 1, Episode 2: India Burning & Russia's Fight Factory" (VICE on Showt