Pursue Your Spark

#185 Overcoming Addiction: Mandy Alexis' Journey to Recovery and Entrepreneurship



This week on the Podcast, we're talking about wants and desires! And how to get real clear as to what exactly it is that we want. I believe we do know what we want and desire. But we struggle with the cost and consequences of having what we want! Are we willing to pay the price (and that doesn't always involve money) or live with the consequences of having what we desire? Unfortunately, that's really where most of us get hung up, and at the extreme end of this, we may find ourselves or someone we love battling addiction.  Addiction comes in many forms. Here in the United States, addiction spans all social classes and ethnicities. It is relevant to note that many addictions are not related to recreational drugs but instead involve pharmaceutical drugs prescribed lawfully by a doctor, making addiction a disease that can affect anyone. Despite the prevalence of this issue, it remains a taboo topic and is infrequently spoken about openly and honestly.  In this episode, Mandy fearlessly shares her experience with