Explore Norths Podcast

Podcast 120: Hunting, gathering and sailing under a warm sun



Catherine Lawson has been sailing and writing with her partner David Bristow and their daughter Maya (11) for 20 years. Now they have published a book about how to make sustainable and delicious food while sailing in the warm areas of the world. The book The Hunter and The Gatherer is very inspiring and should be in every ship's library. We just had to have a talk with Catherine while they were anchored in Bau Bau, in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Please do your self a favor and follow the family on Instagram Wildtravelstory, and check out their homepage Wild Travel Story where you also can order their new book. I have just published an updated edition of Sail to Svalbard. You can either order it directly from me or through Amazon. Keen on sailing the Norwegian coast? You should be. Read Sail the Norwegian Coast: How and Why you should sail the most beautiful coast in the world – Kindle edition. If you need information about sailing in the high latitudes check out the book I wrote with Bob Shepton: High Latitude Sail