Pursue Your Spark

#184 Simple Ways To Make Your Exercise Habit Consistent



You decided to exercise 5 times weekly with cardio, Pilates, weights, and stretching. By planning everything out, you know that you can make exercise a consistent habit. You also understand that you can make the time, but then stuff happens… you forget that you wanted to exercise, and suddenly it's dinner time, a meeting was rescheduled into your exercise time, and you tell yourself not now because you are busy and will work out later at some point. But then exercise never happens! You may think you're not cut out to be consistent with your exercise habits and lack willpower! Willpower is bullshit! Many of us struggle with exercise consistency, and that's normal. Unfortunately, with a schedule booked more than we like or not seeing results quickly enough, life gets in the way. If you are new to exercise, you might not like feeling sore and tired after exercise. Something that you didn't expect. There are many reasons why we are not consistent with our exercise habits. So instead of thinking that you'