On The Edge With April Mahoney

Dr. Candy Campbell speaker, award winning author, actor & filmmaker On the Edge



Youtube Version https://youtu.be/5jyucCcXf6w https://www.candycampbell.com Meet Candy Improv provokes innovation Candy Campbell Award-winning actor, author, filmmaker; nurse, mom, and motivational speaker. :) It wasn’t long before Candy found her way back as a commercial actor, doing voice-overs, commercials, and television spots, as a side-hustle. That was a fun diversion from the often-difficult work as an intensive care nurse. After divorce, she felt she really needed to laugh again, so began studying stand-up and improv comedy, and co-founded an improv company, The Barely Insane Players, in the San Francisco East Bay area, in 1993. In 1995, at the request of an audience-member, she began teaching applied improv skills to a series of Silicon Valley start-ups, then to other groups of all ages and stages, and realized the principles were very applicable to both personal and professional growth. Meanwhile, although she was performing and teaching improv regularly, and federal research surfaced about the mist