On The Edge With April Mahoney

Jeanette Petterson founder of Mindful Disruption talks with me On the Edge



Youtube Version https://youtu.be/4uIPE1D62tI The art of Mindful Disruption - discover infinite human potential Updated: Apr 29, 2022 During COVID19 I began to write a blog called 'the art of mindful disruption'. It was poignant to be writing about disruption during what has likely been the most disruptive time the modern world has faced to date.  Mindfulness is a highly useful strategy to engage, to both prepare for, and thrive through disruption, yet it is greatly misunderstood and misrepresented as woo-woo. Rest assured science can already explain a lot about Mindfulness.  I am a Yoga & Mindfulness Coach.  I write about many topics in my blog, that are not written about enough. I do this in the hope, that by sharing the valuable insights I have gained through my journey in life, others will gain.  We are all unique human beings, living a unique experience, and as we have unique struggles and desire to grow, we need unique solutions. This is where infinite human potential comes so beautifully into play.