The Dating Den

Why Being Happy Is Blocking You From Being Real with Whitney Goodman



Marni welcomes Whitney Goodman, the psychotherapist behind the widely popular Instagram account Sit With Whit, to look into why toxic positivity should be dismantled and what methods should be put into place instead. Having just released her debut book, Toxic Positivity: Keeping it Real in a World Obsessed with Being Happy, Whitney breaks down the psychology behind toxic positivity and society’s need to constantly be happy. The duo discusses how learning to speak to yourself or someone going through a challenging situation is one of the first steps to pulling apart this constant need to be in a good place. In allowing ourselves to feel what we feel, even when it’s negative, we begin to live authentically. A life well-lived is not one without suffering or pain, contrary to popular belief.    Takeaways from this episode:  - What are empathy blockers?  - Validation is key  - Why do we always feel the need to look on the bright side?  - Happiness isn’t a destination   - How to eliminate toxic positivity  - Throw