Network Marketing Heroes: Host Richard Bliss Brooke

Geralyn Camarillo & Arna Johnson - Purium



Geralyn Camarillo and Arna Johnson, founders and owners of Team Gerna – LIVE ALOHA, are 4-star Crown leaders with Purium who personally sponsored 53 people their first 90 days and a total of 142 people in their first year. Showing the powering of duplication, in just 19 months, they had over 15,000 people in their group with 5 strong leader legs, ultimately creating a business that could keep growing all on its own.    Having dabbled in 7 different companies before Purium, what made this time different? Don’t miss Geralyn and Arna’s story behind their epically-fast build, how to bring the Aloha spirit into recruitment, and their secrets for finding the leaders who will run.