Network Marketing Heroes: Host Richard Bliss Brooke

Efrosyni Adamides - WorldVentures



Efrosyni Adamides built a Network Marketing team of 5,500 by the end of year one. Despite the ups and downs and lots of learning lessons along the way, she built a beautiful Four Year Career with a team of 42,000 active reps … by only personally sponsoring 65!    Now 11 years in the biz, Efrosyni is at IMD Rank with WorldVentures and has created a Network Marketing sales force of over 400,000 reps in 50+ countries. Little did she know that’s what she would accomplish when, at age 10, she and her family immigrated to Australia with limited funds and one suitcase of clothes. Listen to her incredible story of going from cutthroat corporate exec to top-ranking Network Marketer, mentor and international speaker – and exactly how she did it!