Network Marketing Heroes: Host Richard Bliss Brooke

Dawn Ferrentino - Isagenix



“Don’t ask me to sell this or I’ll block you on Facebook and take you out of my phone.” These were Dawn Ferrentino’s words to a high school friend when she was first introduced to Isagenix. This busy accountant and mom of two active boys only wanted to use the products but was not interested in the business side. But after 3 months of loving the products (and people noticing her results!), and getting interested in the “breadcrumbs” her sponsor would drop, one day it clicked and she started building part time.    Dawn invited over 400 people to her launch. 40 showed up and many people joined that night or within the year. In the first 6 weeks, she hit the first rank in the company, and 90 days later, she hit the next rank. Find out what Dawn did to stay connected with people through the “NOs” and how she enrolled 145 people her first year to become one of Isagenix’s top leaders.