Network Marketing Heroes: Host Richard Bliss Brooke

Michael DiMuccio - Nikken



Michael DiMuccio’s “All Out Massive Action” his first 90 days set in motion a thriving 28-year Network Marketing career. In one month alone, he personally sponsored 26 people! He became Canada’s first top-ranked consultant and earned the award of Consultant of the Year. Today Michael has a team of more than 25,000 active members.   The middle child of modest Italian immigrants, Michael never wanted what he considered “an ordinary life.” Although he had a degree in aerospace engineering, he chose instead to sign a recording contract as a musician, hoping it would lead to freedom and abundance. Unfortunately, the record label didn’t survive, and he was forced to start over as an electrician. So how did he become one of the greats of Network Marketing? Find out during this incredible interview with Richard Brooke.