Network Marketing Heroes: Host Richard Bliss Brooke

Lia Ditton - Women's World Record Rower



Lia Ditton from rowed for 86 days straight in the Pacific Ocean, from the West Coast of California all the way to Hawaii. She rowed for an average of 24 miles per day through winds and currents. When she sleeps, she has a sea anchor but it doesn’t keep her exactly in the place where she stopped rowing. She has to regain whatever distance she lost when she wakes up. For 86 days she was alone; nobody around, nothing around. Only the vastness of the ocean. She entered the Molokai channel which is so turbulent that I won’t even try braving with my twin-engine powerboat. And, she has to row through that for 37 more miles, without sleep. She capsized twice. Almost fell out of the boat and only barely hung on. She could have drowned. A friend of hers set off a few weeks before she did, and they found her drowned, hanging on to the boat with one arm. Compare what Lia did to what you’re doing. Look at her consistency. Check out the newscast about Lia's journey: