Fums: Giving Multiple Sclerosis The Finger

FUMS 060 - MS Advocate Cathy Chester Shares Her Journey



Cathy Chester is an unstoppable, one-woman advocacy machine! And because of this, she's an FUMSer to the core. Cathy experienced her first symptoms of MS shortly after graduating from college. But like so many of us, it was a number of years before she received a formal diagnosis. Since then she has dedicated herself to advocating for her condition and ensuring that the patient voice is heard loud and clear. Cathy's writing has been featured on MultipleSclerosis.net, Huffington Post, and Multiple Sclerosis News Today. And she has been featured in Woman's Day magazine, Momentum magazine, Everyday Health, and Harvard Radio to name but a few. In this episode, Kathy-with-a-K talks to Cathy-with-a-C about how she got started out in patient advocacy through hard work and making connections. Topics covered include: Cathy's MS diagnosis story Early experiences of patient advocacy and her decision to start writing a blog Her work as a speaker consultant for pharmaceutical companies which means she