Dayspring Fellowship Podcasts

On This Rock | 1 Peter 1:1-2:3 | Part 1 | Living Hope/Holy Life | Kap Otten



Living Hope/Holy Life February 12, 2023 his week we are beginning a brand-new series we’re calling, On This Rock: The Unshakable Hope of 1 & 2 Peter. Over the next several weeks, we will be digging into these personal and passionate letters written by the Apostle Peter. If you’re familiar with Peter’s story from the gospels, you know that he was bold, outspoken, and passionate. There was no holding back with Peter! Peter was well-known throughout the early church. So, imagine the joy and excitement of the believers who received his written words of encouragement! Living essentially as exiles, scattered through Asia Minor, following Jesus was not just counter-cultural, it was difficult! As we will discover, Peter’s words to them, and to us, are filled with encouragement about the hope we have in Christ and the firm foundation upon which our faith can stand. ----------------------------------- TAKE YOUR NEXT STEP ---------------------------------- Let us know that you were listening to us and you will be en