On The Edge With April Mahoney

Sherrie Toews founder of EFFORTLESS MOMENTUM joins me here On the Edge



https://effortlessmomentum.com When I was a kid I wanted to be the first woman President of the United States. (Never mind that I was born in England!) Though I had big aspirations, childhood was challenging. I was born with a congenital birth defect that made it near impossible to walk. It took a long time to diagnose, and even longer to correct. I used my experience to strengthen my sixth sense of people – it was helpful to know if a doctor was kind or not. My disability also made me resourceful. I wanted to roller skate so I found a way! Through it all my parents’ message to me was clear: There is always a way. I’ve held that message close ever since and learned to dream big! But that’s only half the story. Growing up, I used to watch my mom struggle with being “stuck”. She was born into war and a culture that taught her to be small and quiet. She always believed in my ability to find a way, but she never had the confidence to believe that for herself.