On The Edge With April Mahoney

Jo Cooper on mystery and misery associated with Migraine Headaches



https://www.holistically-whole.co.uk After 28 years I am now very happily migraine & headache free. I have come to learn that our body has its own language. If we look at where dis-ease is felt in the body, it gives us clues as to what the root cause of an issue is. And when we resolve the emotional stress around the root cause, when we release the stagnant energy that no longer serves us, we allow our body to naturally re-align and HEAL. It is my privilege to support you on your journey to true wellbeing. https://bit.ly/MovingOnFromMigraineGroup Website https://www.holistically-whole.co.uk/ LinkedIn https://bit.ly/JoCooperLinkedIn Facebook https://bit.ly/JoCooperFacebook