On The Edge With April Mahoney

Michelle Fournier veteran nurse coach speaks on getting clear with NLP



Youtube version https://youtu.be/D1CS98pCTcE I am a survivor, a master transitioner, and a possibilitarian. I live courageous and help others break through their barriers and see that they are surrounded by choice – courageous choice. My mom died when I was 10 and since that day I have learned how to transition into spaces unknown and unfamiliar to me and break through impossible barriers. I left home at 17, paid my way through college, joined the Army and held my career there for 24 years. I’ve started two successful businesses, co-authored a book, and speak to audiences across the country about living courageous. I learned not just to survive, but thrive. But being a survivor, I also learned how to morph myself into the person others wanted me to be. I spent the majority of my life trying to prove to other people that I was good enough. And that survival worked, for a while, until I figured out I’m enough, just the way I am. Today, my power comes from being myself and encouraging others to do the same.